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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
 * A date picker. This class is used by the Ext.form.field.Date field to allow browsing and selection of valid
 * dates in a popup next to the field, but may also be used with other components.
 * Typically you will need to implement a handler function to be notified when the user chooses a date from the picker;
 * you can register the handler using the {@link #select} event, or by implementing the {@link #handler} method.
 * By default the user will be allowed to pick any date; this can be changed by using the {@link #minDate},
 * {@link #maxDate}, {@link #disabledDays}, {@link #disabledDatesRE}, and/or {@link #disabledDates} configs.
 * All the string values documented below may be overridden by including an Ext locale file in your page.
 *     @example
 *     Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
 *         title: 'Choose a future date:',
 *         width: 200,
 *         bodyPadding: 10,
 *         renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
 *         items: [{
 *             xtype: 'datepicker',
 *             minDate: new Date(),
 *             handler: function(picker, date) {
 *                 // do something with the selected date
 *             }
 *         }]
 *     });
Ext.define('Ext.picker.Date', {
    extend: 'Ext.Component',
    requires: [
    alias: 'widget.datepicker',
    alternateClassName: 'Ext.DatePicker',

    childEls: [
        'innerEl', 'eventEl', 'prevEl', 'nextEl', 'middleBtnEl', 'footerEl'
    border: true,

    renderTpl: [
        '<div id="{id}-innerEl" role="grid">',
            '<div role="presentation" class="{baseCls}-header">',
                 // the href attribute is required for the :hover selector to work in IE6/7/quirks
                '<a id="{id}-prevEl" class="{baseCls}-prev {baseCls}-arrow" href="#" role="button" title="{prevText}" hidefocus="on" ></a>',
                '<div class="{baseCls}-month" id="{id}-middleBtnEl">{%this.renderMonthBtn(values, out)%}</div>',
                 // the href attribute is required for the :hover selector to work in IE6/7/quirks
                '<a id="{id}-nextEl" class="{baseCls}-next {baseCls}-arrow" href="#" role="button" title="{nextText}" hidefocus="on" ></a>',
            '<table id="{id}-eventEl" class="{baseCls}-inner" cellspacing="0" role="grid">',
                '<thead role="presentation"><tr role="row">',
                    '<tpl for="dayNames">',
                        '<th role="columnheader" class="{parent.baseCls}-column-header" title="{.}">',
                            '<div class="{parent.baseCls}-column-header-inner">{.:this.firstInitial}</div>',
                '<tbody role="presentation"><tr role="row">',
                    '<tpl for="days">',
                        '<td role="gridcell" id="{[Ext.id()]}">',
                            // the href attribute is required for the :hover selector to work in IE6/7/quirks
                            '<a role="presentation" hidefocus="on" class="{parent.baseCls}-date" href="#"></a>',
            '<tpl if="showToday">',
                '<div id="{id}-footerEl" role="presentation" class="{baseCls}-footer">{%this.renderTodayBtn(values, out)%}</div>',
            firstInitial: function(value) {
                return Ext.picker.Date.prototype.getDayInitial(value);
            isEndOfWeek: function(value) {
                // convert from 1 based index to 0 based
                // by decrementing value once.
                var end = value % 7 === 0 && value !== 0;
                return end ? '</tr><tr role="row">' : '';
            renderTodayBtn: function(values, out) {
                Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(values.$comp.todayBtn.getRenderTree(), out);
            renderMonthBtn: function(values, out) {
                Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(values.$comp.monthBtn.getRenderTree(), out);

     * @cfg {String} todayText
     * The text to display on the button that selects the current date
    todayText : 'Today',
     * @cfg {String} ariaTitle
     * The text to display for the aria title
    ariaTitle: 'Date Picker: {0}',
     * @cfg {String} ariaTitleDateFormat
     * The date format to display for the current value in the {@link #ariaTitle}
    ariaTitleDateFormat: 'F d, Y',

     * @cfg {Function} handler
     * Optional. A function that will handle the select event of this picker. The handler is passed the following
     * parameters:
     *   - `picker` : Ext.picker.Date
     * This Date picker.
     *   - `date` : Date
     * The selected date.

     * @cfg {Object} scope
     * The scope (`this` reference) in which the `{@link #handler}` function will be called.
     * Defaults to this DatePicker instance.

     * @cfg {String} todayTip
     * A string used to format the message for displaying in a tooltip over the button that selects the current date.
     * The `{0}` token in string is replaced by today's date.
    todayTip : '{0} (Spacebar)',

     * @cfg {String} minText
     * The error text to display if the minDate validation fails.
    minText : 'This date is before the minimum date',

     * @cfg {String} maxText
     * The error text to display if the maxDate validation fails.
    maxText : 'This date is after the maximum date',

     * @cfg {String} format
     * The default date format string which can be overriden for localization support. The format must be valid
     * according to {@link Ext.Date#parse} (defaults to {@link Ext.Date#defaultFormat}).

     * @cfg {String} disabledDaysText
     * The tooltip to display when the date falls on a disabled day.
    disabledDaysText : 'Disabled',

     * @cfg {String} disabledDatesText
     * The tooltip text to display when the date falls on a disabled date.
    disabledDatesText : 'Disabled',

     * @cfg {String[]} monthNames
     * An array of textual month names which can be overriden for localization support (defaults to Ext.Date.monthNames)
     * @deprecated This config is deprecated. In future the month names will be retrieved from {@link Ext.Date}

     * @cfg {String[]} dayNames
     * An array of textual day names which can be overriden for localization support (defaults to Ext.Date.dayNames)
     * @deprecated This config is deprecated. In future the day names will be retrieved from {@link Ext.Date}

     * @cfg {String} nextText
     * The next month navigation button tooltip
    nextText : 'Next Month (Control+Right)',

     * @cfg {String} prevText
     * The previous month navigation button tooltip
    prevText : 'Previous Month (Control+Left)',

     * @cfg {String} monthYearText
     * The header month selector tooltip
    monthYearText : 'Choose a month (Control+Up/Down to move years)',
     * @cfg {String} monthYearFormat
     * The date format for the header month
    monthYearFormat: 'F Y',

     * @cfg {Number} [startDay=undefined]
     * Day index at which the week should begin, 0-based.
     * Defaults to `0` (Sunday).
    startDay : 0,

     * @cfg {Boolean} showToday
     * False to hide the footer area containing the Today button and disable the keyboard handler for spacebar that
     * selects the current date.
    showToday : true,

     * @cfg {Date} [minDate=null]
     * Minimum allowable date (JavaScript date object)

     * @cfg {Date} [maxDate=null]
     * Maximum allowable date (JavaScript date object)

     * @cfg {Number[]} [disabledDays=null]
     * An array of days to disable, 0-based. For example, [0, 6] disables Sunday and Saturday.

     * @cfg {RegExp} [disabledDatesRE=null]
     * JavaScript regular expression used to disable a pattern of dates. The {@link #disabledDates}
     * config will generate this regex internally, but if you specify disabledDatesRE it will take precedence over the
     * disabledDates value.

     * @cfg {String[]} disabledDates
     * An array of 'dates' to disable, as strings. These strings will be used to build a dynamic regular expression so
     * they are very powerful. Some examples:
     *   - ['03/08/2003', '09/16/2003'] would disable those exact dates
     *   - ['03/08', '09/16'] would disable those days for every year
     *   - ['^03/08'] would only match the beginning (useful if you are using short years)
     *   - ['03/../2006'] would disable every day in March 2006
     *   - ['^03'] would disable every day in every March
     * Note that the format of the dates included in the array should exactly match the {@link #format} config. In order
     * to support regular expressions, if you are using a date format that has '.' in it, you will have to escape the
     * dot when restricting dates. For example: ['03\\.08\\.03'].

     * @cfg {Boolean} disableAnim
     * True to disable animations when showing the month picker.
    disableAnim: false,

     * @cfg {String} [baseCls='x-datepicker']
     * The base CSS class to apply to this components element.
    baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'datepicker',

     * @cfg {String} [selectedCls='x-datepicker-selected']
     * The class to apply to the selected cell.

     * @cfg {String} [disabledCellCls='x-datepicker-disabled']
     * The class to apply to disabled cells.

     * @cfg {String} longDayFormat
     * The format for displaying a date in a longer format.
    longDayFormat: 'F d, Y',

     * @cfg {Object} keyNavConfig
     * Specifies optional custom key event handlers for the {@link Ext.util.KeyNav} attached to this date picker. Must
     * conform to the config format recognized by the {@link Ext.util.KeyNav} constructor. Handlers specified in this
     * object will replace default handlers of the same name.

     * @cfg {Boolean} focusOnShow
     * True to automatically focus the picker on show.
    focusOnShow: false,

    // @private
    // Set by other components to stop the picker focus being updated when the value changes.
    focusOnSelect: true,

    // Default value used to initialise each date in the DatePicker.
    // __Note:__ 12 noon was chosen because it steers well clear of all DST timezone changes.
    initHour: 12, // 24-hour format

    numDays: 42,

    // private, inherit docs
    initComponent : function() {
        var me = this,
            clearTime = Ext.Date.clearTime;

        me.selectedCls = me.baseCls + '-selected';
        me.disabledCellCls = me.baseCls + '-disabled';
        me.prevCls = me.baseCls + '-prevday';
        me.activeCls = me.baseCls + '-active';
        me.cellCls = me.baseCls + '-cell';
        me.nextCls = me.baseCls + '-prevday';
        me.todayCls = me.baseCls + '-today';
        if (!me.format) {
            me.format = Ext.Date.defaultFormat;
        if (!me.dayNames) {
            me.dayNames = Ext.Date.dayNames;
        me.dayNames = me.dayNames.slice(me.startDay).concat(me.dayNames.slice(0, me.startDay));


        me.value = me.value ?
                 clearTime(me.value, true) : clearTime(new Date());

             * @event select
             * Fires when a date is selected
             * @param {Ext.picker.Date} this DatePicker
             * @param {Date} date The selected date


    beforeRender: function () {
         * days array for looping through 6 full weeks (6 weeks * 7 days)
         * Note that we explicitly force the size here so the template creates
         * all the appropriate cells.
        var me = this,
            days = new Array(me.numDays),
            today = Ext.Date.format(new Date(), me.format);

        // If there's a Menu among our ancestors, then add the menu class.
        // This is so that the MenuManager does not see a mousedown in this Component as a document mousedown, outside the Menu
        if (me.up('menu')) {
            me.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'menu');

        me.monthBtn = new Ext.button.Split({
            ownerCt: me,
            ownerLayout: me.getComponentLayout(),
            text: '',
            tooltip: me.monthYearText,
            listeners: {
                click: me.showMonthPicker,
                arrowclick: me.showMonthPicker,
                scope: me

        if (me.showToday) {
            me.todayBtn = new Ext.button.Button({
                ownerCt: me,
                ownerLayout: me.getComponentLayout(),
                text: Ext.String.format(me.todayText, today),
                tooltip: Ext.String.format(me.todayTip, today),
                tooltipType: 'title',
                handler: me.selectToday,
                scope: me


        Ext.applyIf(me, {
            renderData: {}

        Ext.apply(me.renderData, {
            dayNames: me.dayNames,
            showToday: me.showToday,
            prevText: me.prevText,
            nextText: me.nextText,
            days: days


    // Do the job of a container layout at this point even though we are not a Container.
    // TODO: Refactor as a Container.
    finishRenderChildren: function () {
        var me = this;
        if (me.showToday) {

    // @private
    // @inheritdoc
    onRender : function(container, position){
        var me = this;


        me.cells = me.eventEl.select('tbody td');
        me.textNodes = me.eventEl.query('tbody td a');
        me.mon(me.eventEl, {
            scope: me,
            mousewheel: me.handleMouseWheel,
            click: {
                fn: me.handleDateClick,
                delegate: 'a.' + me.baseCls + '-date'

    // @private
    // @inheritdoc
    initEvents: function(){
        var me = this,
            eDate = Ext.Date,
            day = eDate.DAY;


        me.prevRepeater = new Ext.util.ClickRepeater(me.prevEl, {
            handler: me.showPrevMonth,
            scope: me,
            preventDefault: true,
            stopDefault: true

        me.nextRepeater = new Ext.util.ClickRepeater(me.nextEl, {
            handler: me.showNextMonth,
            scope: me,

        me.keyNav = new Ext.util.KeyNav(me.eventEl, Ext.apply({
            scope: me,
            left : function(e){
                    me.update(eDate.add(me.activeDate, day, -1));

            right : function(e){
                    me.update(eDate.add(me.activeDate, day, 1));

            up : function(e){
                    me.update(eDate.add(me.activeDate, day, -7));

            down : function(e){
                    me.update(eDate.add(me.activeDate, day, 7));

            pageUp:function (e) {
                if (e.altKey) {
                } else {

            pageDown:function (e) {
                if (e.altKey) {
                } else {

            tab:function (e) {
                me.doCancelFieldFocus = true;
                delete me.doCancelFieldFocus;
                return true;
            enter : function(e){
                return true;

            //space: ???

            home:function (e) {

            end:function (e) {
        }, me.keyNavConfig));

        if (me.showToday) {
            me.todayKeyListener = me.eventEl.addKeyListener(Ext.EventObject.SPACE, me.selectToday,  me);

    handleTabClick:function (e) {
        var me = this,
            t = me.getSelectedDate(me.activeDate),
            handler = me.handler;

        // The following code is like handleDateClick without the e.stopEvent()
        if (!me.disabled && t.dateValue && !Ext.fly(t.parentNode).hasCls(me.disabledCellCls)) {
            me.doCancelFocus = me.focusOnSelect === false;
            me.setValue(new Date(t.dateValue));
            delete me.doCancelFocus;
            me.fireEvent('select', me, me.value);
            if (handler) {
                handler.call(me.scope || me, me, me.value);

    getSelectedDate:function (date) {
        var me = this,
            t = date.getTime(),
            cells = me.cells,
            cls = me.selectedCls,
            cellItems = cells.elements,
            cLen = cellItems.length,


        for (c = 0; c < cLen; c++) {
            cell = Ext.fly(cellItems[c]);

            if (cell.dom.firstChild.dateValue == t) {
                return cell.dom.firstChild;
        return null;

     * Setup the disabled dates regex based on config options
     * @private
    initDisabledDays : function(){
        var me = this,
            dd = me.disabledDates,
            re = '(?:',
            d, dLen, dI;

        if(!me.disabledDatesRE && dd){
                len = dd.length - 1;

            dLen = dd.length;

            for (d = 0; d < dLen; d++) {
                dI = dd[d];

                re += Ext.isDate(dI) ? '^' + Ext.String.escapeRegex(Ext.Date.dateFormat(dI, me.format)) + '$' : dI;
                if (d != len) {
                    re += '|';

            me.disabledDatesRE = new RegExp(re + ')');

     * Replaces any existing disabled dates with new values and refreshes the DatePicker.
     * @param {String[]/RegExp} disabledDates An array of date strings (see the {@link #disabledDates} config for
     * details on supported values), or a JavaScript regular expression used to disable a pattern of dates.
     * @return {Ext.picker.Date} this
    setDisabledDates : function(dd){
        var me = this;

            me.disabledDates = dd;
            me.disabledDatesRE = null;
            me.disabledDatesRE = dd;
        me.update(me.value, true);
        return me;

     * Replaces any existing disabled days (by index, 0-6) with new values and refreshes the DatePicker.
     * @param {Number[]} disabledDays An array of disabled day indexes. See the {@link #disabledDays} config for details
     * on supported values.
     * @return {Ext.picker.Date} this
    setDisabledDays : function(dd){
        this.disabledDays = dd;
        return this.update(this.value, true);

     * Replaces any existing {@link #minDate} with the new value and refreshes the DatePicker.
     * @param {Date} value The minimum date that can be selected
     * @return {Ext.picker.Date} this
    setMinDate : function(dt){
        this.minDate = dt;
        return this.update(this.value, true);

     * Replaces any existing {@link #maxDate} with the new value and refreshes the DatePicker.
     * @param {Date} value The maximum date that can be selected
     * @return {Ext.picker.Date} this
    setMaxDate : function(dt){
        this.maxDate = dt;
        return this.update(this.value, true);

     * Sets the value of the date field
     * @param {Date} value The date to set
     * @return {Ext.picker.Date} this
    setValue : function(value){
        this.value = Ext.Date.clearTime(value, true);
        return this.update(this.value);

     * Gets the current selected value of the date field
     * @return {Date} The selected date
    getValue : function(){
        return this.value;

    //<locale type="function">
     * Gets a single character to represent the day of the week
     * @return {String} The character
    getDayInitial: function(value){
        return value.substr(0,1);

    // @private
    focus : function(){

    // @private
    // @inheritdoc
    onEnable: function(){


    // @private
    // @inheritdoc
    onDisable : function(){

     * Set the disabled state of various internal components
     * @private
     * @param {Boolean} disabled
    setDisabledStatus : function(disabled){
        var me = this;

        if (me.showToday) {

     * Get the current active date.
     * @private
     * @return {Date} The active date
    getActive: function(){
        return this.activeDate || this.value;

     * Run any animation required to hide/show the month picker.
     * @private
     * @param {Boolean} isHide True if it's a hide operation
    runAnimation: function(isHide){
        var picker = this.monthPicker,
            options = {
                duration: 200,
                callback: function(){
                    if (isHide) {
                    } else {

        if (isHide) {
            picker.el.slideOut('t', options);
        } else {
            picker.el.slideIn('t', options);

     * Hides the month picker, if it's visible.
     * @param {Boolean} [animate] Indicates whether to animate this action. If the animate
     * parameter is not specified, the behavior will use {@link #disableAnim} to determine
     * whether to animate or not.
     * @return {Ext.picker.Date} this
    hideMonthPicker : function(animate){
        var me = this,
            picker = me.monthPicker;

        if (picker) {
            if (me.shouldAnimate(animate)) {
            } else {
        return me;

     * Show the month picker
     * @param {Boolean} [animate] Indicates whether to animate this action. If the animate
     * parameter is not specified, the behavior will use {@link #disableAnim} to determine
     * whether to animate or not.
     * @return {Ext.picker.Date} this
    showMonthPicker : function(animate){
        var me = this,
        if (me.rendered && !me.disabled) {
            picker = me.createMonthPicker();
            picker.setPosition(-1, -1);
            if (me.shouldAnimate(animate)) {
            } else {
        return me;
     * Checks whether a hide/show action should animate
     * @private
     * @param {Boolean} [animate] A possible animation value
     * @return {Boolean} Whether to animate the action
    shouldAnimate: function(animate){
        return Ext.isDefined(animate) ? animate : !this.disableAnim;

     * Create the month picker instance
     * @private
     * @return {Ext.picker.Month} picker
    createMonthPicker: function(){
        var me = this,
            picker = me.monthPicker;

        if (!picker) {
            me.monthPicker = picker = new Ext.picker.Month({
                renderTo: me.el,
                floating: true,
                shadow: false,
                small: me.showToday === false,
                listeners: {
                    scope: me,
                    cancelclick: me.onCancelClick,
                    okclick: me.onOkClick,
                    yeardblclick: me.onOkClick,
                    monthdblclick: me.onOkClick
            if (!me.disableAnim) {
                // hide the element if we're animating to prevent an initial flicker
                picker.el.setStyle('display', 'none');
            me.on('beforehide', Ext.Function.bind(me.hideMonthPicker, me, [false]));
        return picker;

     * Respond to an ok click on the month picker
     * @private
    onOkClick: function(picker, value){
        var me = this,
            month = value[0],
            year = value[1],
            date = new Date(year, month, me.getActive().getDate());

        if (date.getMonth() !== month) {
            // 'fix' the JS rolling date conversion if needed
            date = Ext.Date.getLastDateOfMonth(new Date(year, month, 1));

     * Respond to a cancel click on the month picker
     * @private
    onCancelClick: function(){
        // update the selected value, also triggers a focus

     * Show the previous month.
     * @param {Object} e
     * @return {Ext.picker.Date} this
    showPrevMonth : function(e){
        return this.setValue(Ext.Date.add(this.activeDate, Ext.Date.MONTH, -1));

     * Show the next month.
     * @param {Object} e
     * @return {Ext.picker.Date} this
    showNextMonth : function(e){
        return this.setValue(Ext.Date.add(this.activeDate, Ext.Date.MONTH, 1));

     * Show the previous year.
     * @return {Ext.picker.Date} this
    showPrevYear : function(){
        return this.setValue(Ext.Date.add(this.activeDate, Ext.Date.YEAR, -1));

     * Show the next year.
     * @return {Ext.picker.Date} this
    showNextYear : function(){
        return this.setValue(Ext.Date.add(this.activeDate, Ext.Date.YEAR, 1));

     * Respond to the mouse wheel event
     * @private
     * @param {Ext.EventObject} e
    handleMouseWheel : function(e){
            var delta = e.getWheelDelta();
            if(delta > 0){
            } else if(delta < 0){

     * Respond to a date being clicked in the picker
     * @private
     * @param {Ext.EventObject} e
     * @param {HTMLElement} t
    handleDateClick : function(e, t){
        var me = this,
            handler = me.handler;

        if(!me.disabled && t.dateValue && !Ext.fly(t.parentNode).hasCls(me.disabledCellCls)){
            me.doCancelFocus = me.focusOnSelect === false;
            me.setValue(new Date(t.dateValue));
            delete me.doCancelFocus;
            me.fireEvent('select', me, me.value);
            if (handler) {
                handler.call(me.scope || me, me, me.value);
            // event handling is turned off on hide
            // when we are using the picker in a field
            // therefore onSelect comes AFTER the select
            // event.

     * Perform any post-select actions
     * @private
    onSelect: function() {
        if (this.hideOnSelect) {

     * Sets the current value to today.
     * @return {Ext.picker.Date} this
    selectToday : function(){
        var me = this,
            btn = me.todayBtn,
            handler = me.handler;

        if(btn && !btn.disabled){
            me.setValue(Ext.Date.clearTime(new Date()));
            me.fireEvent('select', me, me.value);
            if (handler) {
                handler.call(me.scope || me, me, me.value);
        return me;

     * Update the selected cell
     * @private
     * @param {Date} date The new date
    selectedUpdate: function(date){
        var me        = this,
            t         = date.getTime(),
            cells     = me.cells,
            cls       = me.selectedCls,
            cellItems = cells.elements,
            cLen      = cellItems.length,


        for (c = 0; c < cLen; c++) {
            cell = Ext.fly(cellItems[c]);

            if (cell.dom.firstChild.dateValue == t) {
                me.fireEvent('highlightitem', me, cell);

                if(me.isVisible() && !me.doCancelFocus){


     * Update the contents of the picker for a new month
     * @private
     * @param {Date} date The new date
    fullUpdate: function(date){
        var me = this,
            cells = me.cells.elements,
            textNodes = me.textNodes,
            disabledCls = me.disabledCellCls,
            eDate = Ext.Date,
            i = 0,
            extraDays = 0,
            visible = me.isVisible(),
            newDate = +eDate.clearTime(date, true),
            today = +eDate.clearTime(new Date()),
            min = me.minDate ? eDate.clearTime(me.minDate, true) : Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,
            max = me.maxDate ? eDate.clearTime(me.maxDate, true) : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
            ddMatch = me.disabledDatesRE,
            ddText = me.disabledDatesText,
            ddays = me.disabledDays ? me.disabledDays.join('') : false,
            ddaysText = me.disabledDaysText,
            format = me.format,
            days = eDate.getDaysInMonth(date),
            firstOfMonth = eDate.getFirstDateOfMonth(date),
            startingPos = firstOfMonth.getDay() - me.startDay,
            previousMonth = eDate.add(date, eDate.MONTH, -1),
            longDayFormat = me.longDayFormat,

        if (startingPos < 0) {
            startingPos += 7;

        days += startingPos;
        prevStart = eDate.getDaysInMonth(previousMonth) - startingPos;
        current = new Date(previousMonth.getFullYear(), previousMonth.getMonth(), prevStart, me.initHour);

        if (me.showToday) {
            tempDate = eDate.clearTime(new Date());
            disableToday = (tempDate < min || tempDate > max ||
                (ddMatch && format && ddMatch.test(eDate.dateFormat(tempDate, format))) ||
                (ddays && ddays.indexOf(tempDate.getDay()) != -1));

            if (!me.disabled) {

        setCellClass = function(cell, cls){
            value = +eDate.clearTime(current, true);
            cell.title = eDate.format(current, longDayFormat);
            // store dateValue number as an expando
            cell.firstChild.dateValue = value;
            if(value == today){
                cls += ' ' + me.todayCls;
                cell.title = me.todayText;
                // Extra element for ARIA purposes
                me.todayElSpan = Ext.DomHelper.append(cell.firstChild, {
                    cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'hide-clip',
                }, true);
            if(value == newDate) {
                cls += ' ' + me.selectedCls;
                me.fireEvent('highlightitem', me, cell);
                if (visible && me.floating) {

            if (value < min) {
                cls += ' ' + disabledCls;
                cell.title = me.minText;
            else if (value > max) {
                cls += ' ' + disabledCls;
                cell.title = me.maxText;
            else if (ddays && ddays.indexOf(current.getDay()) !== -1){
                cell.title = ddaysText;
                cls += ' ' + disabledCls;
            else if (ddMatch && format){
                formatValue = eDate.dateFormat(current, format);
                    cell.title = ddText.replace('%0', formatValue);
                    cls += ' ' + disabledCls;
            cell.className = cls + ' ' + me.cellCls;

        for(; i < me.numDays; ++i) {
            if (i < startingPos) {
                html = (++prevStart);
                cls = me.prevCls;
            } else if (i >= days) {
                html = (++extraDays);
                cls = me.nextCls;
            } else {
                html = i - startingPos + 1;
                cls = me.activeCls;
            textNodes[i].innerHTML = html;
            current.setDate(current.getDate() + 1);
            setCellClass(cells[i], cls);

        me.monthBtn.setText(Ext.Date.format(date, me.monthYearFormat));

     * Update the contents of the picker
     * @private
     * @param {Date} date The new date
     * @param {Boolean} forceRefresh True to force a full refresh
    update : function(date, forceRefresh){
        var me = this,
            active = me.activeDate;

        if (me.rendered) {
            me.activeDate = date;
            if(!forceRefresh && active && me.el && active.getMonth() == date.getMonth() && active.getFullYear() == date.getFullYear()){
                me.selectedUpdate(date, active);
            } else {
                me.fullUpdate(date, active);
        return me;

    // @private
    // @inheritdoc
    beforeDestroy : function() {
        var me = this;

        if (me.rendered) {
            delete me.textNodes;
            delete me.cells.elements;

    // @private
    // @inheritdoc
    onShow: function() {
        if (this.focusOnShow) {